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01/17 FRI
Keynote Session ー Latest Map of Asian Festival
➡︎ Festival Life Editor-inChief Shotaro Tsuda will give a quick review of the current position and potential of Asian music festivals, introducing all the directors participating as DELEGATES on stage and highlighting the individuality of each festival.
Shotaro Tsuda
Venue:Music Town Otoichiba 3F hall ( 1-1-1 3F Uechi Okinawa-City Okinawa Japan)
01/18 SAT
❶ Women in Music in Asia
Mai Sasaki
➡︎ The gender gap in music, a pending issue in the world. Is there a glass ceiling for women in Asia? We will raise this question from the actual business scene.
Venus:Startup Lagoon KOZA(1-7-8 Chuo Okinawa-City Okinawa Japan)
❷ Asian Song writing camp report
➡︎ The current state of transnational songwriting is spreading not only in Europe and the U.S. but also in Asia. As a songwriter and organizer, I report on songwriting camps that have been held in Taiwan, Thailand, and other countries at the initiative of Japan.
❸ Full particulars of KOZA ROCKS
➡︎ We will talk about the role of KOZA Startup Shopping Arcade in the startup eco-system in Okinawa, the system to support challengers (entrepreneurs), and KOZA ROCKS, a citywide caffeine and festival.
01/19 SUN
❷ 音楽未来会議 in 沖縄(出版記念イベント)
➡︎ After four sessions of talk events in 2024 where music is discussed freely, the book will be published in January. To commemorate the publication, the talk will focus on themes related to Music Lane Festival Okinawa.
* This program will be streamed live for a fee.
❸ NEXT MIKU HATSUNE voice generation AI now

Yusuke Asada
➡︎VOCALOID , an iconic Japanese culture, is undergoing a major transformation with the evolution of singing voice generation AI. The two who are creating "AI singers" through GEMVOX and revitalizing the creator economy talk about the present and near future.
❹ Japanese Music Tech Startup

Kosuke Ban

Ryoji Tamura
➡︎ Music Tech startups are driving the global music scene. In Japan, they are finally starting to have an impact on the music market. We asked entrepreneurs about the challenges and possibilities of Japanese startups.
❺ Reasons for Asian Artists' Success in America
➡︎ In recent years, Asian artists have been making waves in the American market. What is the background to this? What is the mindset needed to succeed? We will talk about this with a future-oriented perspective, based on our experience in marketing Awich in the US and supporting Southeast Asian artists in their North American expansion.
❻ The Potential of Asian Music Festivals – Towards the Asia Festival Awards
➡︎ The Asian music scene is also being driven by omnibus festivals. What are the possibilities for collaboration between music festivals in this situation?
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